Thursday, July 31, 2008

Love List Continued

I am now halfway through my list of desirable love traits. I'm aware that, as a friend of mine recently pointed out, I will never meet anyone who embodies all of these characteristics, but I'm hoping that this list will help me to reach for a higher standard. This has been an interesting time for me, generating this list. I am actually looking around at the men I know and re-evaluating them and my connection to them. Not just potential mates, but even the men I call friends. I find that I appreciate them more. I'm also crushing on a casual male acquaintance after recognizing that he embodied almost 40 of my first 50 traits. Yummy!

So, the Love List continues:

51. He has his own set of friends

52. He believes that maintaining the cleanliness and upkeep of our household is both our responsibility

53. My heart skips a beat at the sound of his voice; I lose my breath, just a little, at the unexpected sight of him

54. He is confident enough in our relationship to be an ass every now and again.

55. He calls me at work to invite me out for a date.

56. Every now and again, he gets the kids up and out of the house early on Saturday, just so I can sleep in in peace.

57. He gives me mental orgasms

58. He loans me his shoulders when I need to cry away my daily stressors.

59. He threatens (jokingly) to kick my co-worker’s butt for causing me grief on the job.

60. He convincingly says, “no, of course those pants don’t make you look fat!”


RamblingMother said...

doesn't he still have a girlfriend?

Kiayaphd said...

details, details