Friday, August 1, 2008

My Heart and Soul

I am the proud mama of a 7-year old sweetheart. I like to remind myself of that every now and again, just to keep a balanced picture in my head. Like most people, we have our good and bad days. I am so pleased to announce that lately, we've been having really good days.

"I've been good a lot of days, haven't I, mommie?" My baby inquired proudly this morning.

"You certainly have, baby!"

"Me and Jesus are beating that devil down." He said with a determined look on his face.

This face reminds me that for all of our challenges, he is, at heart, a sweet natured little boy who was unfortunate enough to experience what is crappy about life way too early. He has a desire to please, but does not always know how to do that. When I look at the world through his eyes, and remind myself of what he has gone through, I become a much better mommie to this little person. Taking his perspective allows me to control my own frustrations which are based on my demands that he does things he is not capable of doing. This perspective allows me to remain at peace, which then allows him to regulate his own emotions. And so our cycle of "really good days" continues.

Two movies come to mind that illustrate this point. They are both about emotionally challenged children and the lessons the adults around them have to learn in order for the kids to work through their issues. If you get a chance, check out "The Martian Child" and "Big Daddy". Two diametrically opposed movies, I know, but similar children in distress. Adam Sandler becomes the temporary adoptive father to a 5 year old child whose mother has died. John Cusack adopts an "untouchable" little boy following the death of his wife; this child claims to be from Mars and has built his entire identity around this belief. The world is a scary place for both of these children and they find unique and creative ways to cope with their fear. Both fathers learn that the key to understanding the needs of their children was to look at the world through their child's eyes.

So, today, this mother prays, "thank you Lord for the peace in our house. Thank you for the responsibility you've given me in providing for this Your child. I pray for wisdom and for the ability to help my to child to reclaim the innocence of his childhood. These and other things I pray in the name of your son Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

" reclaim the innocence of his childhood."

That says it all.