Thursday, July 17, 2008

I really love this kid

As I picked my son up from his summer camp this afternoon, he was all smiles, hugs and kisses. He'd had a good day and was proud of his efforts. Here's our conversation:

Him: Did Mrs. J tell you I had a good day today?

Me: Yeah, she did, I was so proud to hear that.

Him: Yeah, I thought so. Did you think I would be able to do it?

Me: Son, I know you can do it. I'm just glad that today YOU knew it too.

Him: I knew you were thinking about me today, and I didn't want to disappoint you. I really wanted you to know how much I love you and so today I tried extra hard.

Me: I love you too son.

Just when my frustrations almost completely overwhelm me and clouds my hope, he shows me the child God intended for him to be. Thank you, Lord, for today.


Maggie said...

Those glimpses of the kids underneath make everything worthwhile, don't they?

What a sweet boy you have... and handsome to boot!

Kiayaphd said...

Wow, thanks Maggie. One of my favorite pasttimes is gazing into that little face!

Mary63 said...

That is just so sweet! It is heartwarming to know that he loves you as much as you love him. So uplifting for you, that is probably just what you needed after the challenges you have weathered.

RamblingMother said...


Kiayaphd said...

Mary63 and Beverly,thanks!! That baby almost brought tears to my eyes. There have been no phone calls today so maybe he's showing me love again!!

Unknown said...

I am glad you found my blog. I love your picture together. That was so sweet of him.