Thursday, August 14, 2008


I have followed our therapist's suggestions all week. Each evening, I have given him a bath and then lotioned him while talking about whatever he wanted that day. Mostly, he just lay there and enjoyed it in silence, with a big grin on his face. Last night, though he proclaimed,

"I think I'm ready to give my own self my own bath, mommie. I can do it by myself."

"Well, I know baby, but I really enjoy this time with you." I responded. He paused for a minute and then said,

"Well, I like it too, but I really can do this on my own." What do you say to that? I compromised.

"Ok, you can give your ownself a bath again, and I'll just continue to put the lotion on. How's that?" He agreed.

Then this morning, as we're doing the lotion routine, he declares that he wants to do this again on his own too! Me, wanting to follow instructions at least until we meet with our therapist again next week replied,

"But I'm really enjoying this. I like loving on you and putting lotion on you and sharing this time with you." He chewed on that a moment and then responded,

"Well, I like it too. How bout this, you can continue to love and lotion on me everyday except Saturday, and then on Saturday, I'll do it myself?"

Of course I agreed with this compromise, but it got me thinking. This is either a display of his age appropriate need for independence or the intimacy is making him uncomfortable and he is attempting a retreat. The answer is likely a combination of both. *le sigh*. I'm going to press through with our plan and discuss further in our next session.

This is the 4th day of the first week of school and there have been no complaints from his teacher or school staff. Yaaaaayyyy!!! I spoke with the teacher this morning, who told me that he was mostly compliant. At times during the day, he separates from the group and "does his own thing,"; she allows him this space but encourages him to return when he's ready, which he eventually does. I was about to get into a discussion about how this behavior represents a fear response and he is likely trying to self-regulate when he steps away, but then I thought, "why bother?" I've been here before. Instead, I walked downstairs to the principal's office and requested that she schedule an IEP meeting ASAP. The benefit of this action is to involve the school psychologists, as well as allow them to meet with our therapist, who has agreed to get involved with him at school and supporting the teacher in ways to help him stay regulated in the classroom.

So, it looks like we have one successful week under our belts. I am praying for more.


Maggie said...

Bath time is so intimate, I think it would be age appropriate for him to want that time to himself.

One thing I do with Slugger is give him shoulder massages. The pressure is good for Slugger's sensory deprivation disorder, and the closeness is good for our attachment. At first, Slugger was kind of weirded out by it, but he really loves it and asks for it when he's stressed now.

Kiayaphd said...

Thanks for the feedback, Maggie. I was thinking the desire to bathe himself is at least partially age appropriate; he wants to spend more time in the tub so he can play around in there. When I bathe him, we suds up, rinse off and we're done.

I think the lotioning is probably enough for now. In addition to lotion on his body after the bath, we give hand massages. He likes to put lotion on my hands and give me hand massages, which is really cool.