Saturday, August 30, 2008

Love List continued

Love has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Romantic love, friendly love, sexual love, family love; it's all around me. I'm ashamed that I don't always acknowledge that I am truly a blessed individual, surrounded by people who can and do treasure me daily. I see it in the love I share with my child, the love I share with family and friends, even the love I share with my animals. God's love for me is evident in both the expected and odd places and I hope that He knows and feels my love for Him in return.

I sometimes get so focused on discovering and re-experiencing romantic love that I neglect to appreciate love in all of it's forms and manifestations. So, I'm dedicating this post to family and friends, (yes, even the four legged kind) for reminding me that I'm somebody worth caring for and reminding me that even at my lowest points, love surrounds me daily.

God woke me up this morning; He allowed us to sleep in safety and security last night. My heart was overflowing yesterday afternoon when going to pick up my son from aftercare, he spotted me across a crowded gym floor and yelled at the top of his lungs, "mommie!!!!!!", ran and jumped in my arms, smacking kisses everywhere "just cuz." Last night, I put down food for my dogs and Lillian, the cockapoo sniffed at her bowl, prepared to take a bite, appeared to change her mind, and came over instead to me to lick the side of my leg. I figure she was thanking me for the chow. It was only after I rubbed the top of her head and thanked her for her thanks that she continued eating her dinner. Thursday afternoon, a co-worker left our clinic to head for a meeting at the corporate office. When she returned, she entered my office without speaking and placed three pieces of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups on my desk (umm yummy!). A friend that I am crushing on sent me an email out of the blue inquiring whether I'd received any response yet from a writing contest I recently entered. I was instructed to be sure to let him know the outcome, positive or negative. My daddy called earlier this week while I was on my way to work, "whatcha doin', chile?" in a loud, boisterous voice, "didn't want nothin', just wanted to say hi! and I ain't got no money either, so don't ask!" I am crazy 'bout that ole man!!

81. He is unable to resist putting loving hands on me, anywhere, anytime, anyplace
82. He can identify my favorite authors and artists
83. He occasionally drops by my office unexpectedly "just because."
84. He is a provider for his family; does not want to be taken care of by any woman. In fact, he is insulted by the very idea.
85. He knows which side of the hammer is up.

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

What a nice dad. Would never happen just because with mine.