Thursday, August 7, 2008

Save Darfur

The Sudanese have my heart. The strength that they continue to hold even in the middle of their displacement humbles me. I pray daily for the families that have been left behind. I sometimes have to limit the time I spend reading updates on the conflict in Sudan. The atrocities and the genocide that continues to take place daily interrupts my sleep and peace. As it should most of us. Because truly, there but by the grace of God . . .; I am grateful daily to be an American citizen, problems, warts and all.

The Olympic games begin tomorrow. The international community is bearing pressure on the Chinese government to start to put economic pressure on that monster who holds the office of president/general. The Chinese ain't having it though. I heard today that they withdrew a VISA that had been given to a Chinese national who is a former Olympic champion. Please forgive me, but I can not remember this man's name. I listened to an interview he gave today as he pondered why he no longer had access to his country. He and the interviewing reporter speculated it was because of his activism in support of the people of Sudan; perhaps the government worried that he would start some type of uprising during these events. Whatever!!

If you look for it, you will hear about efforts to draw attention to the genocide in Sudan throughout the Olympic games over the next few weeks. Listen closely and you'll realize how close to home this problem really lies. The actress Mia Farrow is starting her own mini uprising, that will coincide with the opening ceremony of the Olympic games. Check this out!

Save Darfur!

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