Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dinner with Friends

Friday night, we decided to hang out with our friends, as a sort of celebration for getting through another week. We went to a newly opened Mexican restaurant, and while I can't speak for our friends, my Heart and Soul and I both walked away hungry. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when we got home! Our friends have been in our lives for a couple years now, first as co-workers, then collaborators and finally bonding over the adoption of our respective children. Actually, the more accurate description would be to say that Baby G is friends with my son. She calls him "my best friend boy" or "my C"; I'm only tolerated in her world. Such are the whys and wherefores of a 4 year old. Enjoy the pix, we had fun making them!


Unknown said...

Very handsome young man.
I hate leaving a resturant hungry.
And the way prices are at some of those places it will make you down right mad.

So nice to meet you.

Kiayaphd said...

It's a pleasure meeting you as well, Sharon. I've been lurking on your sight for a minute and your observations about life, love, whateva, just cracks me up. Thanks for stopping by.

RamblingMother said...

What do you mean you guys were hungry? How could that be? There was so much food. We were full to stuffed. Thanks again for the umbrella usage.

Kiayaphd said...

My little stinker didn't like the taste of the chicken nuggets and just played over them and for some reason, the Quesadillas I had didn't stick. As I said, the old reliable PB&J hooked us up just fine!!