Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nikki Tinker: Such a dirty rotten shame!

I have deliberately refrained from discussing political issues on this blog. There are others who cover those issues much better than I ever could, so I usually leave it to the experts. That is, until now. Hopefully, this will be the one and only time that I will feel the need to vent my frustrations about political idiots. So, anyway, here goes my rant:

Our state is voting today to elect our next US Congressman. The incumbent, Steve Cohen, won 2 years ago; the lawyer who lost against him in 2006, Nikki Tinker, is challenging him again. I have been pulled from political lurkdom due to the dirty and nasty way Ms. Tinker has been conducting her campaign. This article ran today in the Washington Post; yes, this little scandal is attracting national attention. Ms. Tinker, who is African American, has mastered the art of dirty politics in her (hopefully) short tenure in politics. She has been running ads suggesting that Mr Cohen is a racist, is anti-Christian (he's Jewish) and a card-carrying member of the KKK; it's all insinuendo and smoking mirrors, no substance to her arguments whatsoever. This is the same congressman, mind you, who just spearheaded the American government's apology for slavery. Oh, and I failed to mention, that there is some speculation that she is behind the presence of a man who has been stalking Mr. Cohen. They showed on the news this morning that Mr. Cohen had to physically push this man from out of his own front door!! Barack Obama has denounced this behavior, as has Ms Tinker's largest campaign contributor, Emily's List.

This outrageous behavior is fueled even more in my mind by an encounter I had with a woman who identified herself as Nikki Tinker's mama this weekend! My church held early voting polls this month. Representatives from various politicians were camped out around the church trying to push their paraphernalia onto the unsuspecting arrivals. My son and I were at church this past Saturday to attend a meeting. When we got out of the car, folk started running towards us and I tried to stop them saying that I was not here to vote. One woman was insistent that she was gonna push her papers on me but I kept walking.

She yelled, "wait, WAIT!! I wanna talk to you!!. I'm Nikki Tinker's mother!"

I kept walking, but I was thinking, "And??!!" (heavy with sarcasm).

"WAIT!" she insisted. Since I don't want my child to witness his mother acting badly, I stopped, turned to her and said, with as much politeness I could muster, "I am not voting right now. I am late for a meeting so we can not stop."

She said, "well, I'm Nikki Tinker's mother," and then paused to wait for my reaction.

"I am late for a meeting, bye."

"No, wait, you can't leave yet. I need to talk to this young man (turning to my son, and shaking his hand) about Nikki Tinker because she is for the young people. Do you know Nikki Tinker? Huh, huh?"

"Ma'am, my 7 year old is not a registered voter and I said we are late for a meeting, good-bye. " I turned to walk into the building, and she shoved Tinker paraphernalia into my hands. I looked at her, tore the papers in half, took my child's hand and walked into the church.

If I had ever been on the fence about where I would place my vote, this encounter would have sealed the deal for me. As it is, I'm ashamed that once again, national attention is focused on our city and state, and it ain't the good kind, neither!!


Shaun said...

I wonder if she had her ass sitting on the porch, just waiting for those poll results to roll in. I am so tired of that damn race card being played here. I am glad she lost. I would have voted for SC 20 times if they would have allowed me.

Kiayaphd said...

Me too, Shaun. I just hope that she has now crawled back under the rock she came from. Just dirty!