Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here's one for the WTH? files:

About This Video
Title: "Drunken Negro Face" Cookies On Sale at Greenwich Village Bakery
Description: Ted Kefalinos, proprietor of Lafayette French Pastry, asked her, "Would you like some drunken nigger heads to go with your coffee? They're in honor of our new president. He's following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his."
Duration: 4:32

Now, I admit, I hesitated to post the link to this video because I really dislike giving attention to idiots and bigots, especially those who are obviously willing to do or say anything to get attention. But, I thought about it again and decided that I wanted to be a part of the group that exposed this man as the blatant racist, hate-filled idiot that he is. And don't be lulled into thinking he is harmless just because he openly displays his hatred.

If he's not actively involved with an organized group of other bigots, he is giving courage to someone else to act on the very ideals he is promoting.

I am now wondering why he is not jailed. He openly expressed the desire for the assassination of our president. Shouldn't that concern someone other than me?

I would think black and colored folk in general who live and work in Greenich Village would be concerned about EATING anything that comes from his bakery. He obviously holds anyone not like him in disdain.

And while I would not condone openly confronting this idiot, I think if I lived in New York, that I would make it my business to slowly run this ass out of business.

I'm just saying. . .


Anonymous said...

WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? Thanks for blogging about this; I hadn't heard about this. What a disgusting, sad situation.

Kiayaphd said...

Disgusting is a good word to describe this mess

Just Kel said...

But you know what... people are buying those ugly cookies.

And now that he's got negative publicity...

Kiayaphd said...

This to totally unbelievable!!