Sunday, February 8, 2009


My FABULOUS blog pal, Sharon, has decreed that my blog is noteworthy in it's fabulousness!! I'm FABULOUS, y'all! I feel so honored. *wipes tear from corner of eye.*

Thank you, Sharon, I do my best! LOL! J/K. I really appreciate you thinking about me.

So, just as I've been tagged, I must now pass this award forward to other fabulous bloggers, which I will do in just a few.

My other assignment is to list 5 Addictions that I have. Hmmm. Ok, here goes:


1. Movies, movies and more movies. Classics, adverture, thrillers, psychological dramas, comedies, romantic comedies, mysteries. You name it, I watch it. I LOVE MOVIES!

2. Chocolate. Milk chocolate, truffles, Godiva gourmet chocolate, Hershey's kisses, Dove bars and the LOVER, all 5'11" of pure, sweet chocolate!

3. Writing. I have become so consumed with this addiction, that I carry a leather bound journal with me every where I go and it sits on the bedside table when I go to bed. And I do mean, EVERY where. People were looking at me sideways in church this morning when I pulled out my journal and started writing down an idea during the pastor's sermon. Oh well. The Lord knows my heart.

4. Red wine. I won't actually call this an addiction, since by definition, I don't meet the criteria for dependence and withdrawal, but I really, really enjoy a good bottle of red. I wish I could see the white wines in the same way, because, the reds tend to interfere with sleep (tannin) and leave me feeling hung over the next day, but the smoothness of the going down more than makes up for this inconvenience. Well, shoot, maybe this IS an addiction?

5. I'm going to call this last one a guilty pleasure instead of an addiction. Television dramas, in particular, 24, Mad Men, Perry Mason (the original series, not the junk put out in the 80's) and I Love Lucy.

The blogs I would like to tag have already been awarded, so I'll just mention them here:
The True Urban Queen, MsKnowItAll, Sitting on the Big Porch, MsTeeJaye and Mike. I strongly encourage you to stop by and check them all out.


clnmike said...


Unknown said...

Yes, you do your best to be fabulous. . .no shame to your game ;)

Leather bound. . .wow. I carry plain notebooks with me everywhere I go. . .that really is fabulous.

KayC, The Quiet Storm said...

Celebrate your Fabu!!!!

I am with you on the movies and carrying a journal. I always have a notebook with me :)

Kiayaphd said...

Thanks, Mike!

Sharon, yep, I figured my serious thoughts needed to be placed in a serious journal. I love that book.

Kay C: Thanks, girl.

Just Kel said...

Congratulations Sis!

You are true fabulousness!
You know I am a chocolate lover too! Haha at your 5'11" lover!

I carry my journal e'erywhere I go!

Thank you for the mention. You know you would be in my list of fabulous blog authors.

Kiayaphd said...

Awww, thanks, MsKnowItAll, you are so sweet and equal in fabulousness!!