Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Countdown Tag

I have been tagged by my blog friend TrueUrbanQueen. I'm laughing at her taggin' folk, since she has this interesting habit of ignoring when someone tags her. But that's all right. . . I'm going to be obedient, mostly because this is one of the more interesting exercises I've seen.

So the rules are:

Link back to the person who tagged you.
(I did it, see above)
Answer the questions (I'm going to do my darndest, see below)
Tag 7 other bloggers (just as soon as I think of the ones most likely to cooperate)
Let them know in the comments they were tagged. (will do)

10 random things about me:

I am a speed hound.

I have one child and two dogs.

I wear my hair natural, mostly twists, braids, and 'fros.

I have never smoked a joint, BUT

I can out drink anyone at a party.

I love the color purple.

I am becoming a writer (I just need a tad more discipline).

I am the oldest of four children (see where the bossiness comes from?).

I am a mental health therapist but. . .

I do not try to analyze people I meet socially (too damn much work!!).

9 ways to win my heart:

Give me yours

Pay attention

Put in time and effort

Call during day/night, send emails, texts

Love my child

Don't expect intelligent conversation before 9 am

Don't judge or hold me or my actions to your ex's unrealistic standard

Don't limit yourself or me

Lots of great sex

8 things I want to do before I die:

See my child grow into a successful adulthood

Complete and publish at least two novels

Win the lottery and never HAVE to work again, though I probably will.

Get married

Have another child (either by birth or adoption)

Take a year (or two) off to work in Africa (the conscripted child soldiers have my heart)

I would like to own a high performance sports car and drive it up to or more than 130 mph

Eat like I want to without worrying about gaining weight

7 ways to annoy me:

Call me on the phone, start talking non stop, as if you and I are already in the middle of a long conversation and then express annoyance when I ask you what you're talking about.

Tell me what I'm doing wrong with my child and parenting in general

Expect that I will cook for you rather than simply enjoying it when I do

Unsolicited advice (about anything)

Talk badly about the elderly, the infirm, or children, in front of me

Call me anything BUT a child of God

Expect me to be ANYWHERE before 10 am on the weekends

6 things I believe in:




The power of prayer

The value of alone-time

Joy found in my child's smile

5 things I am afraid of:

dying and making my child an orphan, again

confined spaces



chronic illness

4 of my favorite things

Chocolate and Merlot


casual time with friends

a man who gives pedicures

3 things I do daily:

Tell my child that I love him

Hug somebody

Express my gratitude to God about anything He has done at any given moment

2 things I want to do within the hour:

make love

go to sleep (not necessarily in this order)

1 person I want to see right now:

my lover

I tag the following bloggers


I know this isn't a list of 7, but everyone else has already been tagged!


Robyn.K.Y said...

followed a tag,,so ill have to head back read me some more good stuff here.

Kiayaphd said...

thanks Robyn, come back anytime.

Unknown said...

Well, thank you for going along.
I really liked this tag it was thought provoking.
And fun.

Uhh you wrote I never smoked pot but. . .but what. . .please don't go there. Just keep saying no.

Kiayaphd said...

LOL!! No Sharon, I didn't write BUT as a tease, I just meant to carry on that same thought onto the next sentence.

"I have never smoked, but I drink"

Just Kel said...


Yeah you want to make love, somebody wear you out and then fall into deep slumber. In THAT order. LOL

I want the same thing.

I smoked pot and it had no affect on me. I tried it 2 and 1/2 times. Made vanilla ice-cream taste like heaven (as if I need that) but I've never been addicted. Now red wine... me and vino have a tight connection.

Kiayaphd said...

LMAO about the order of my activities in the hours before bedtime!!

Yeah, I feel ya on the red wine. Ah, hold on. . . I'll be right back. I need to make a run!

Thanks for stopping by, sis, it's good to "hear" you again.

Anonymous said...

I was tagged by The Urban Queen and came by to see your lists. Interesting and some humorous. I also see that you are a Harlem Renaissance fan, as well. That's one of my favorite subjects. I'd say I'm a fan, but, it goes way further than that (Langston Hughes and I share the same B-day). I shall return. Peace.

Kiayaphd said...

Thanks Freedom, for stopping by and your comments. I agree, my appreciation for the artists of the Harlem Renaissance goes much deeper than being a fan.

Anonymous said...

@ MsKnowItAll - 2 1/2 times? Not one, not two, but two and a half??!! OK. Peace.

Kiayaphd said...

See? I wasn't going to say anything about that!!

Look at you, over here instigating!

Just Kel said...

Yes 2 and 1/2. See what had happened was...

1st time - pure peer pressure. A lot of coughing, no effect.

2nd time - A lot of coughing, vanilla ice-cream heaven & a lot of hype.

1/2 - no paper! A bong & a lighter. That was whack! Trying to hit the wet bong after somebody else and light it over and over! Nah. Had I liked it and hit it the other halfa time, I could be a pothead...

Kiayaphd said...