Sunday, October 12, 2008

What happens here, stays here

Just in case you've ever wondered, there is a very good reason that women, once we reach a certain age, rarely go out in packs. That's because, inevitably, there will be trouble.

A good friend is celebrating her birthday this month and corralled a group of us to hang out with her this past Saturday night. We found interesting ways to abandon husbands, boyfriends, and children alike. Once we had our families safely and comfortably settled, we broke out on the town like bats out of hell and it was on for the rest of the night.

Without giving away the details (to protect the innocent), the evening involved an overabundance of alcohol, single dollar bills, scantily clad 20-somethings and no photographs. We rounded the evening up with sirens, flashing blue lights, and giggly dumb blond explanations.

Don't worry, we all made it safely home, back into the loving nooks of our beloveds, with nothing more than a good story to tell our grandchildren and secret smiles in our hearts.

I can't wait til next year!


Unknown said...

How funny. You didn't give details but, I can imangine and I am loving it.

Kiayaphd said...

ooooo-wheeeee, we had a ball!!