Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Brillante Weblog Award

I have been honored with the Brillante Award by my blog friend The True Urban Queen!! Thanks Sharon!! I started this blog as sort of a public diary of sorts, a way for me to process the good and the bad that comes through my life and mind. I am surprised and humbled to find that people read what I write and at times are touched by my words. This is truly a God-given, unexpected bonus for me.

So, thanks again Sharon. Thanks to each of my fellow bloggers who've stopped by or have allowed me to come by their place. Thanks to those of you who comment, whether in agreement or not, and even the lurkers; thanks!

The rules are as follow:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.

2. The winner must link to the person from whom they received their award.

3. The winner must nominate at least 7 other blogs for the award.

4. The winner must place links to those blogs on their own blog.

5. The winner must leave a message on the blogs of the people they’ve nominated.

According to the rules , I am supposed to present this award to 7 other bloggers. Unfortunately (or fortunately), my blog circle is relatively small. The ones I considered first have already been awarded. They are truly well deserved and if you get a chance, check out MsKnowItAll, The HappyGoLuckyBachelor, and TheTrueUrbanQueen.

I would also like to bestow this award on the following:

Homeland Colors: insightful political commentary

Sitting On the Big Porch: gifted prose and fiction writer

BAPLiving: Ms. Leeke has developed an AMAZING social networking site for African-American professional women


Unknown said...

Thank you for the love too.

It is amazing how when we blog we find we have so much in common with others miles away or that we are can offer people tidbits of our life and make them smile and or cry.

Well, you deserve this award.

Just Kel said...

I am delighted to have you as a blog friend. Your award is well deserved.

Kiayaphd said...

Not to get too mushy, but you two women are the most amazing, powerful people I have ever 'met'. Your loving spirits and kindness of heart flows through every word you write. It's a pleasure to "click" on your door each day.