Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We've come a long way . . .

. . . and the sky is the limit on how much further we could go. . .



IamMe Like IT-Love IT-Hate IT said...


Kiayaphd said...

. . . and amen

clnmike said...

Man that is sobering.

Mary63 said...

My daughter (7 years old) can't even fathom segregation when I tried to explain it, this is just going to blow her mind when we get to this part of history! BTW, she loves Obama because he has a little girl like her. She has no concept of racism. Thank goodness I have to explain it rather that have her experience it!

Kiayaphd said...

@clnmike: my stomach clenched as I read of human beings described like animals.

I can't even imagine living under those circumstances!

@mary63: our children are truly blessed to be born and alive at this time.