Saturday, January 10, 2009

Am I Fat?

Your Result:

Beautiful Yeah, you're fat. So what? All that means is that there is more of you to love. You're sick of hearing about diets and feeling pressure to lose weight. You don't have a problem with the way you look, and if it bothers other people, too bad. It's not like they're carrying you out of the room with a crane, right? Get over it people!

Er-rrmmm. I really didn't need to take this quiz. I figure if I need to ask the question, I already know the answer, right?

Am I Fat Quiz
Am I Fat Quiz by fun quizzes!
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Unknown said...

I am glad you took the quiz for the fun of it and not because you needed a quiz to tell you that you are beautiful.

clnmike said...

Should of just skipped that one.

Kiayaphd said...

Thanks, Sharon and yes, I took it purely for the fun of it!

Mike, you're probably right, but I wanted to know the types of questions that would be asked to determine an answer. A more accurate title of the test would have been, "How confident are you in yourself?"