Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes we can!! YES, WE DID!!


It's just been announced that Barack Obama has been declared winner of today's presidential election and will become the next president of the United States of America.

I had hoped. I prayed. I campaigned and cajoled folk to take part in this process. But the emotion that was released at this announcement and my face bathed in tears bear witness to the fact that, somewhere in the back of my mind, I didn't really think this would happen.

The early results seemed to reinforce my doubts. My home state of Tennessee was quickly declared a McCain win, followed my its surrounding states of Arkansas, Mississippi and Georgia. These are three of the most impoverished states in the union and a huge majority of these folk could not see beyond this man's heritage and recognize that within him and his administration lay our best chances of recovery.

But as I type, I am listening to John McCain concede and am overwhelmed by the joy that I will not have to hear that nasal whine for the next four years.

Today, November 4, 2008, I am witness to history in the making. I am going to bed tonight secure in the knowledge that today, a new standard has been set for my African American son in particular, and disenfranchised sons country wide. Today, I am witness to a renewed sense of hope and anticipation for our future.

God bless and keep Barack Obama!!


Unknown said...

Girl, I am so happy right now. I can't even express it.
I bit my nails off and cried each time I saw Mccains numbers go up.
And when it jumped from 207 to 297 me and my kids screamed. My throat is so sore.
I called people. Fall on my knees.

I just hope he stays safe.

Kiayaphd said...

I am too Sharon. I've been texting and calling everyone in my contact list. I'm trying NOT to call my Republican buddies. . . at least not till late tomorrow afternoon. Gotta give them a chance to recover!!

Maggie said...

I sat in my living room until the wee hours of the morning vascillating between tears and an ear-to-ear grin. I've become so used to elections surprising me for the bad (there's no way the US would vote W in for a second term -- yeah, right) it's wonderful to be surprised in a good way.

Yes, we can!

Kiayaphd said...

Maggie, I too remember my impotent anger learning that "W" had 'earned' another term. . . my ass! I guess that's why it's been so hard to fully allow myself to experience hope for this election.

But it's done now. . .and all is right in our world.

Mary63 said...

How awesome for our children! It's a new day for our country.

Kiayaphd said...

Mary63: it's truly amazing!

Just Kel said...

I have to admit that I slept through the announcement... but I woke up at 11:02.

I think sleep came easy for me because I knew in my heart it was a win for Obama. I had no doubt.

I got a little nervous when McCain entered the 100 realm but I knew Obama was gonna skate on through, was just a matter of time.

Kiayaphd said...

My happiness is still bubbling over!