Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh Happy Day

Well, it's done! Peace will finally reign in our house again. I no longer have to worry about catching a case over some mess at my son's school. I no longer have to leave him in a totally hostile environment and worry myself day and night due to my helplessness to change the situation.

We are homeschoolling.

My employers have allowed me to modify my work schedule, so that I can teach in the morning and my child will spend the rest of the day in a daycare surrounded by people who love and nurture him.

I am now prayerful that the nightmares will end. The constant face of anxiety will resolve. I'm praying that the need to fight and defend himself will finally come to an end. I'm hoping that his trust in my ability to take care of him will return.

My child overslept this morning. His anxiety usually drives him up about 5:30 am; this morning, it was after 7 before I dragged him out of bed. Once up he started singing:
We are the groovy cool cats
We are the groovy cool cats
We are the groovy cool cats
We are . . . cool cats.
This was sung to the Madagascar tune, I Like To Move it, Move it!

He has been announcing to any and all that would listen, "My mom's going to be my teacher!" And then in a quieter moment asked,
"do some mommy's pass their children along?"

"what do you mean baby?

"well, when they act bad? do mommies pass their children along?"

"well, some do, for various reasons, but you're not going anywhere. why do you ask?"

"well, I was just getting a little nervous, that's all."
Ok, so this mommy prays, "Lord, thank you for all of your blessings you bestow on us each and every day. I'm thanking you in advance for your spirit of peace and calmness that will soon permeate our house and within our hearts. Thank you for removing us from a toxic environment and allow us to bloom in this current circumstance. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to read your employers are willing to work with you to get the best setup for your son. This sounds like a great plan.

clnmike said...

Hope the best for yall.

Kiayaphd said...

Thanks, motherissues!

I'm hoping and praying too Mike. Thank you.

Just Kel said...


This is tremendous. Homeschooling is something many mothers wish they could do. You are blessed.

Now you're going to have to post on the curriculum...

Kiayaphd said...

MsKnowItAll: You know, I hadn't thought about posting on the curriculum, but that's a really good idea. I have ordered it and am waiting for it to arrive so we can get started

Unknown said...

Congrats that you are able to arrange your schedule and homeschool.

My daughter doesn't want to attend any of the highschools in our area if I can't get her into a magnet or get the funds for another school we are considering the cyberschool route. I have one more year to figure it out.